Never, Ever, Run Out of Soloing Ideas
This groundbreaking, all-in-one guitar licks mega-pack is an unprecedented treasure trove of guitar knowledge.
It contains over 1100 superb soloing licks, played in three speeds (regular, slow, and REALLY slow) so you can get each of them smoothly and quickly under your fingers.
From sizzling rock to tasty blues to twangy country...
From sophisticated jazz and swing to awesome fusion to groovy funk-rock...
You're also going to play a ton of exotic licks, slide guitar licks...
And even some insane tapping and noisy, chaotic licks.
Every lick has its own tab right there on the screen so you can follow along, and in some cases there are even playing instructions.
Get ready for amazing chops like you've never dreamed.
Over 1100+ Superb Licks in 11 Soloing Styles
Here's what's waiting for you inside:
- A Good Sound For Your Bag of Tricks (0:32)
- A Little Bass Groove For The Ages (0:35)
- A Middle-String Turnaround in D (0:35)
- A Pleasant, Flowing Bass Lick (0:31)
- A Short But Wild Lick - Make Sure You Vibrate Like Crazy At The End (0:35)
- A Short Lick For When You Only Have 5 Seconds to Practice (0:31)
- A String-Jumping Arpeggio That's Easier to Play Than It Sounds (0:34)
- An Expressive Lick to Get You Expressing (0:34)
- An Outside-ish John Scofield-esque Lick (0:27)
- An Unreasonable Amount of Pre-Bending Right Here (0:42)
- Another Good Chromatic Pentatonic Lick For Your Rocking Pleasure (0:39)
- Bend That Tritone Real Good (0:37)
- Chromatic Double Stops Sweeten Every Lick (0:29)
- Color Your Pentatonics With A Well-Placed Core Scale Note (0:33)
- Disturb the Peace with A Well-Placed e String (0:28)
- Essential and Magnificent Palm-Muted Bass Ascension (0:33)
- Flipping That Turnaround Upside Down Until It Screams (0:38)
- For Whomever Said That Octaves Are Boring (0:31)
- Good Old Open Position FroLICKING (Get It) (0:41)
- How to Make A Major Chord Sound Diminished (0:27)
- I Hereby Grant You Permission to Steal This Lick (0:26)
- In Case You're Looking For A Strong Solo Finisher (0:28)
- It's A Lick With A Clear Goal - That Ending Ghost Chord (0:40)
- Ladies and Gentlemen, The Amazing Complaining Guitar (0:25)
- Life Is Sweet With Sliding Fifths and A Droning B String (0:22)
- Make Them Wait For That Hammer On (0:33)
- Minor-Major Swing Vibe + Distortion = Awesome to the Max (0:42)
- Mix An Arpeggio With A Blues Bend And This Is What You Get (0:33)
- Monster-Bend Your Way Into People's Hearts (0:30)
- Nothing Ever Rocks Better Than That Old Boogie Bass Line Does It (0:39)
- Nothing Rocks Like Middle String Fourths (0:36)
- One of the Grooviest Essential Licks - If Not THE Grooviest (0:40)
- One of the Most Useful Patterns You'll Ever Get Your Hands On (0:39)
- Quintuplet Pentatonic Scale Descension (0:32)
- Septuplets Pentatonic Scale Descension (0:42)
- Sinister Chromatics Are The Best Kind of Chromatics (0:31)
- So Many Hidden Treasures Within BB's Blues Box (0:32)
- Some Might Say This Sounds Like Cats Fighting In the Night (I Lean Towards the Afternoon) (0:37)
- Sometimes All You Want to Do Is Slide (0:48)
- Stacks of Fourths Work Magic in Rockn'Roll Just As Well As Jazz (0:29)
- Stick This Lick Anywhere - It Always Works - Guaranteed (0:27)
- Take A Bite of the Palm-Muted Apple (0:23)
- Talkin' 'Bout The Outside Sound, Babeh (0:31)
- The Connoisseur Art of the Tritone Surprise (0:36)
- The Definition of Sizzling Rockin' Blues (0:42)
- The Gritty Finisher (Coincidentally, That Was My Pro-Wrestling Name) (0:26)
- The Secret Is Keeping the Notes Short and Abrupt (0:33)
- This Back and Forth Lick Is Not Unlike A Tennis Match (0:37)
- This Double Stop Lick Hits You Right Where It Rocks (0:35)
- This Is How You Accentuate Those Down Beats (0:42)
- This Lick Is Like Seasoning On Your Solo (Assuming Your Solo Is A Salad) (0:32)
- This Lick Sounds Like A Stereo Delay Effect For Some Strange Reason (0:43)
- This Simple Lick Is Made Fancier By Its String Relations (0:23)
- Touch And Go Bending Landing (Say It, It Rhymes) (0:31)
- Use Just The Right Amount of Force on That Downstroke (0:33)
- Waiter, I Will Have the Pre-Bends and A Major Third, Please (0:34)
- We All Love Fat Blues Licks, Don't We (0:30)
- What Effect A Few Simple Articulations Can Have (0:35)
- A Blues Lick with A Classical Feel to It (0:19)
- A Good Way to Stay On the Same Note For A While (0:30)
- A Great Lick Only Requires One Awesome Note (0:24)
- A Great Reply to Any Contrasting Lick (0:28)
- A Greg Howe-Inspired Lick (0:22)
- A Rudimentary Blues Lick (0:29)
- A Screaming Blues Lick A-La Greg Howe (0:52)
- A Simple Lick to Test Your Dynamic Range (0:20)
- A Terrific Open Position Blues Lick (0:35)
- Add Diminished Colors to Your Blues (0:32)
- Add Some Fingerpicking to Your Blues (0:31)
- Ah, The Slow Bend (0:30)
- An Open e String - So Basic, So Invigorating (0:28)
- An Open-String Blues Lick with Character - A Supporting Character (0:23)
- Another Classic Blues Lick (0:33)
- Another Rudimentary Pentatonic Lick For the Ages (0:33)
- Attack Your Strings to Force That Gritty Sound (0:29)
- Awesome Both As A Standalone Lick, Riff or Part of A Solo - It's Your Choice (0:33)
- Bass Strings Are Allowed to Enjoy Themselves, Too, You Know (0:33)
- Blues Can (And Should) Be Joyous Sometimes (0:30)
- Can You Spot the Hidden Tritone (0:26)
- Can You Spot the Stealy Sixth (0:39)
- Croaking Double-Stops (0:29)
- Didn't Your Parents Teach You to Slide and Pull Off (0:54)
- Do You Ever Get the Feeling That Chromatics Are Everywhere (0:34)
- Done Right, Slurring Your Licks Can Be Powerful (0:37)
- Downslide Into Your Comfort Zone (0:29)
- Effortless Awesomeness (0:27)
- Every Blues Solo Needs A Strong Foundation Lick (0:18)
- For All You Chromatic Freaks Out There (0:33)
- For When Your Blues Gets Heavy (0:21)
- For When Your Cat Needs Someone to Converse with (0:19)
- Fourths Can Rock Just As Well As Fifths (0:23)
- How Good Is Your Discerning For Half-Tones VS Whole Tones (0:26)
- I've Got High Notes In All the Right Places (0:33)
- If You're Going to Steal A Lick, Steal One From Mark Knopfler (0:39)
- If You're New to Blues, This Would Make A Great First Lick to Learn (0:31)
- In the Open Position, Sliding Is Your Best Friend (0:30)
- Insta-Speed with A Blue Note (0:20)
- It's An Em Arpeggio, But It Doesn_t Sound Like One (0:27)
- It's Diminished But It's Still Blues (0:31)
- Just A Pinch of Chromaticism Will Do (0:30)
- Leaning Against A Tritone (0:28)
- Learn to Mirror Your Lick Patterns (0:42)
- Look What One Core Scale Note Can Do to Pentatonics (0:35)
- Messy Lick, But Boy, Is Messy Fun (0:29)
- Near-Effortless Insta-Speed (0:20)
- Nice Syncopation At the End There (0:30)
- Of Course You Don't HAVE to Fingerpick This Lick (0:27)
- One of Those Crowd-Pleasing Licks Audiences Bob Their Heads to (0:43)
- One Short Lick, Four Different Strings (0:19)
- Open Strings Are Always There For You (0:22)
- Palm Mute So You Can Barely Hear the Notes (0:36)
- Paraphrasing On A Mark Knopfler Lick (0:21)
- Pick Hard For This One - Attack Those Strings (0:22)
- Picturesque, Pleasant and Bluesy As Heck (0:24)
- Play This Lick When You Need A Moment to Think About Your Next One (0:15)
- Pouring Our Souls Into Those Bends (0:30)
- Put Some Legato Inside Your Blues Box (0:34)
- Remember to Keep That Note Bent (0:34)
- Rhythm Guitar Can Be Used As A Soloing Tool, Too (0:45)
- Same Simple Idea, Different Positions (0:32)
- Schrodinger's Lick (Two Simultaneous Ending Notes) (0:19)
- Sharp Nines Get Everyone's Attention (0:23)
- Sidestep Your Pentatonics Into Diminished (0:27)
- Sliding Fourths (0:30)
- Smooth Fourths (0:34)
- So Beautiful It_s Hard to Believe It_s Just Am and Em (0:29)
- So Much Color (0:27)
- Some Colorful Harmony For Your Solos (0:28)
- Some Say Chromatics Are the Work of the Devil (0:40)
- Sparkling Sliding Fifths A-La Greg Howe (0:27)
- Staccato All the Way (0:24)
- Starts Out Major, Ends Up Minor (0:34)
- Stealthily Sliding to the Major 3rd (0:33)
- Straightforward Is the Way to Go (0:38)
- String Skipping For Beginners (0:25)
- Swing 8ths Make Any Lick Work Wonders (0:28)
- That 525 Chord Is Just Magical (0:30)
- That 7th Note Ending, Man, I Tell Ya (0:35)
- That Fat, Nourishing Middle-String Neck Pickup Tone (0:39)
- The Classic Blues Feel (0:33)
- The Good Old Blues Box (0:30)
- The Key Is to Swing It (0:34)
- The Open Strings Make This Sound As Good As It Does (0:30)
- The Unexpected Dorian Note (0:35)
- There's Good Reason Why This Lick Is A Classic (0:36)
- This Lick Goes By So Fast You Don_t Notice How Smart It Is (0:26)
- This Lick Is A Microcosm (0:25)
- This Lick Is Far More Useful Than One Might Initially Suspect (0:29)
- This Lick Means Business (If Your Business Is Blues) (0:32)
- This Lick Starts with Triplets on the Second 8th Note of the Bar (0:32)
- This Tritone Lick Simply Outlines An A7 Chord (0:42)
- Time Your String Bending to Defy Expectation (0:27)
- Two Variations On Everyone's Go-To Lick in the 90s (0:26)
- Variating Your Rhythm Is the Sign of Soloing Confidence (0:41)
- When You Feel the Urge For A Timeless Blues Bend (0:29)
- When You've Hit Open E and Want to Go Back Up (0:20)
- Who Needs A Rhythm Section When You Have This Lick (0:37)
- Wild Wiiiiide Intervals (0:31)
- You Can Literally Stick This Lick ANYWHERE (Go On, Try It) (0:24)
- A 2-3-3 Country Banjo Roll Soloing Pattern (0:26)
- A Basic Country-Style Rhythm Lick (0:28)
- A Basic Yet Addictive Chicken Picking Rhythm Pattern (0:35)
- A Beginner Banjo Roll (0:28)
- A Beginner Chicken Picking Lick - The Final Showdown (0:37)
- A Beginner Chicken Picking Lick - The Prequel (0:35)
- A Beginner Chicken Picking Lick - The Sequel (0:40)
- A Beginner Chicken Picking Lick to Get Your Sound Right (0:35)
- A Brilliant Chet Atkins Chicken Picking Lick (0:46)
- A Cool Open String Lick in D (0:28)
- A Country Outline For A D7 (0:30)
- A Cute Chicken Picking Triplet (0:31)
- A Doug Seven-Style Lick with A Turnaround On Top (0:44)
- A Dreamy Banjo Roll Turnaround (0:43)
- A Fun But Easy to Miss Country Lick From Sultans of Swing (0:22)
- A Great Lick For Right Before the Lyrics (0:39)
- A Hot Bass Lick in G (0:34)
- A Joyful Chicken Picking Bass Lick (0:39)
- A Major Turnaround From C to C (0:27)
- A Mark Knopfler-esque Arpeggio (0:24)
- A Mark Knopfler-Style Chicken Picking Pentatonic Lick (0:51)
- A Melodic Old School Country Lick (Just Don't Let the Tab Confuse You) (0:48)
- A Real Nice Way to Outline A Chord (0:25)
- A Series of Fortunate Sixths (0:32)
- A Simple Turnaround - With Chicken Picking Making All The Difference (0:25)
- A Sixths Turnaround with A Twist Ending (0:38)
- A Sizzling Doug Seven-Style Double Stop Sliding Lick (0:35)
- A Smart Reverse Turnaround in G (0:25)
- A Spectacular Open String Chicken Picking Solo Run (0:38)
- A Swing Line That Sounds Great As Country (0:29)
- A Twangy Lick That Goes Around and Comes Around (0:47)
- A Twisted Country Blues Lick That's Actually Just A Chord Outline (0:28)
- Aaaaand That's Why They Call It Chicken Picking (0:30)
- Amazing How Different the Same Lick Sounds In Different Pitches (Previously In G, Now In A) (0:40)
- An Cool (But Easy to Miss) Country Lick From Sultans of Swing (0:22)
- An Extremely Useful Finger Position to Get Used To (0:42)
- An Inventive Lick For Moving Between Third Harmonies (0:31)
- An Rollicking Old School Country Lick (0:27)
- An Ultra-Cool Funky Extended Arpeggio - In Chicken Picking, No Less (0:35)
- An Unexpected Double-Stop (0:25)
- Another Fun Old School Country Double Stop Lick (0:53)
- Another Mark Knopfler-Inspired Arpeggio (0:38)
- Another Open String Solo Run For Chicken Picking (0:32)
- Another Pre-Bend Pedal Steel Country Lick (0:26)
- Be Warned, Looping This Lick Can Get You Seriously Loopy (0:46)
- Chicken Picking Thumb Trainer Lick (0:28)
- Chicken Picking With Shades of Blues (0:36)
- Country Bends and A High Seven - Soon In Cinemas Near You (0:26)
- Country Sixths All the Way, Baby (0:27)
- Don't Miss The Change On the Last e String (0:36)
- Ending on A Double Stop Is A Favorite Go-To (0:32)
- Fingerpick It and It's Country, Distort and Plectrum It and It's Hard Rock (0:47)
- Funky Chicken Picking Exists - Here Is Some Proof (0:34)
- Ghost Notes and Octaves and Groove, Oh My (0:39)
- Gotta Love That Chromatic Line At The Beginning (0:42)
- Hammering Sixths (0:27)
- Heard You Were Looking For A Country Blues Vibe (0:40)
- Here, Have Some Discombobulating Sixths (0:38)
- High Drone, Low Drone, Drone Notes Everywhere (0:41)
- How Chicken Picking Dynamics Invigorate Simple Chromatics (0:24)
- I Call This One The Hammering Thirds (0:33)
- I Love Country Bass Licks with Hidden Chromaticism (0:28)
- Instant Pedal Steel Lick - Just Add a Bar on the 3rd Fret (0:38)
- It's Country But It's Reminiscent of Red Hot Chili Peppers (0:36)
- It's Different Every Time (0:23)
- It's Diminished But It's Still Country (0:36)
- It's Two Fingers Then Your Thumb - On The Same String (0:33)
- Just Your Standard 3-3-2 Country Banjo Roll (0:24)
- Keep The Third At the End Ringing (0:38)
- Make Sure You Twang 'Em Real Good (0:27)
- My Favorite Chicken Picking Lick (0:41)
- Only Chicken Picking Can Immortalise A Unison (0:42)
- Open String Chicken Picking - The Essential Basics (0:33)
- Open Strings Are There For A Good Reason (0:50)
- Pluck that 3rd String With Everything You've Got (0:34)
- Pluck That Chicken, Fellow Guitarist, Pluck It Good (0:36)
- Quite the Decisive Double-Stop Lick (0:42)
- Remember to Bend Both Notes (0:14)
- Remember to Pluck and Accentuate the Right Notes (0:28)
- Shamelessly Stole This Country Lick From Steve Morse (0:41)
- Simple Lick, But If You Continue Repeating It, It Becomes Odd Time (0:32)
- Sometimes A Perfectly Timed Octave Is All You Need (0:25)
- The B String Should Keep Ringing (0:26)
- The Chicken Picking Reverse Turnaround (0:39)
- The Essential Basic Country Bending Lick (0:21)
- The Good Old Neverending Banjo Roll (0:26)
- The Key Is to Let That Surprise High Note Ring (0:39)
- The Most Inconvenient Pedal Steel-Style Bend (0:22)
- The One Country Lick Everyone Must Know (I_m Sorry, Those Are the Rules) (0:41)
- The Percussive Power of Chicken Picking (0:40)
- The Quintessential Chicken Picking Blues Lick (0:41)
- The Ultimate Turnaround (0:41)
- There's Something Counterpoint-Ish About This Lick (0:28)
- This Is What You Imagine When You Hear the Words Country Solo (0:32)
- This Lick Requires A Specific Left-Hand Fingering (0:29)
- Thumb-Finger-Finger Will Get You That Triplet (0:32)
- Time to Ride (0:38)
- Vibrate This Chord Like Crazy to Get the Dreamy Banjo Roll Going (0:33)
- Watch My Fingers and Remember, The Thumb Ends The Lick (0:35)
- When Country Meets Metal You Get This Chicken Picking Lick (0:30)
- You Can Actually Hear the Drums Behind This Lick (0:41)
- You Can Practically Start Any Country Solo with This Lick (0:23)
- A Bluesy Swing Lick (0:36)
- A C7 Line with Presence (0:32)
- A Cheeky Old Blues Lick (0:25)
- A Classic Swing Lick (0:33)
- A Great Aroeggio-Chromatic Line Starter (0:26)
- A Great Swing Line For That IV7 Chord (0:39)
- A Jazzy Swing Lick (0:30)
- A Pensive Swing Lick (0:32)
- A Personal Favorite Swing Lick (0:32)
- A Small Lick with A Big Band Feel (0:42)
- A Stretchy Dominant Chord Lick (0:22)
- A Swing Lick with Much Pizzazz (0:41)
- A Traditional Swinging 6th Chord Arpeggio (0:25)
- A Wonderful Chord to Have In Your Arsenal (0:37)
- A-Sweeping and A-Swinging (0:22)
- Almost the Same, But Not Quite (0:25)
- An Elaborate Swing Line Finisher (0:40)
- And a-V to the IV, All Together Now, Come On (0:46)
- Another Strong Line Finisher (0:35)
- Another Variation On A Classic Swing Finisher (0:30)
- Another Way to Paint A C7 Chords (0:42)
- Appetite For A Tritone (0:26)
- Arpeggiate Like You Mean It (0:30)
- Beauty Personified (0:39)
- Bluesing Those Low Strings (0:33)
- Brian Setzer-Inspired Swing Chord Solo Lick (0:33)
- Brilliant Old-School Big Band Swing Lick (0:31)
- Chromatics Are Much More Than Just A Straightforward Tool (0:55)
- Climbing Smart (0:33)
- Dual Arpeggios (0:36)
- Ending Strong (0:39)
- Escape the Box (0:36)
- Fooling Around with Swingy Intent (0:35)
- Full-On Old School Swing (0:39)
- Going Outside to Get Diminished, Be Back On the 7th (0:59)
- Golden Age Swing Right Here (0:38)
- Gotta Love Those Unexpected Tritones (0:34)
- Happy Swing (0:33)
- Here's Looking At You, Brian Setzer (0:32)
- I Dare You Not to Dance to This Swinging Diminished Chord Line (0:35)
- Jazzify Your Swing A Little (0:42)
- Maintain the One-Fret Slide (0:32)
- Major Swing Lick (0:32)
- Making Noise - Swing Style (0:12)
- Merry-Go-Round Swing Lick (0:31)
- Middle String Swing (0:29)
- Mirrored Licks Are Always In Fashion (0:46)
- More Bass String Chromatics, Please (0:31)
- Now Don't You Get Smart-Phrased With Me (0:27)
- Old School Piano-Style Swing (0:44)
- Once More, with Vigor (0:31)
- One of the Best Methods For Smoothly Changing Positions (0:37)
- One Tiny Variation (0:34)
- Outlining A Dominant Chord Without Sounding Like An Arpeggio (0:29)
- Outlining A Dominant Using Stealthy Chromatics (0:29)
- Painting A C6-9 Chord (0:41)
- Painting A C7 Chord (0:42)
- Play This Over C, See What You Get (0:26)
- Prolong That Hammer On (0:37)
- Question and Answer - On the Same Lick (0:49)
- Same Lick, Different Strings (0:38)
- Sassy Swing (0:27)
- Simple, But Tells A Story (And You Want to Hear More) (0:40)
- Sounds Simple, But Play It Over C And You'll Understand (0:27)
- Stacking Those Fourths Over Your Swing (0:30)
- Sweet, Sweet Chromatics (0:32)
- Swing That Diminished Scale, Swing It Good (0:23)
- Swing with A Little Diminished Built-In (0:26)
- Swinging Arpeggiated Chromatics (0:32)
- Swinging Chromatics (0:39)
- Swinging Double-Stops with Strong Staccato (0:33)
- Swinging Double-Stops (0:33)
- Swinging That C Major Scale (0:45)
- Swingingly Deconstructing A D Chord (0:43)
- The Difference One Finger Can Make (0:49)
- The Founding Source of All Swinging Chord Solos (0:41)
- The Last Note Sounds Weird, But It's Only the Major 3rd (0:38)
- The Pick Attack Is of Utmost Importance Here (0:38)
- The Traditional Swing Finisher (0:19)
- The Traditional Swing Solo Starter (0:26)
- There You Go Again, Swinging All Over Your Scale (0:46)
- This Is What the Whammy Bar Is Really For (0:29)
- This Lick Is Also Great Finger Exercise (0:25)
- This Lick Is In C, So It's A C6 Chord, Not Am (0:32)
- This Lick Just Screams Dominant (0:35)
- This One's For You Old-School Swing Fiends (0:38)
- This Timeless Swing Line Can Either Start or Finish A Solo (0:19)
- This Turnaround Can Swing It (0:36)
- Throw Your Audience Some Swinging Tritones (0:28)
- Travelling Diminished Triads (0:27)
- Trills Are Always A Thrill (0:25)
- Truly Rock Your Swing with This One (0:37)
- Under the Right Conditions, Even A Major Scale Sounds Surprising (0:41)
- Use This Diminished Lick Over Your V7-I's (0:28)
- Use This Diminished Lick Over Your Valt-I's (0:26)
- Use This Lick As A Garnish (0:26)
- Variations On the Same Cute Lick (0:26)
- Well-Placed Swinging Chromatics (0:38)
- Whammy Surprise (0:35)
- When You Want to Finish Your Solo with the Whammy Bar (0:23)
- Woah, Long Legato There, Buddy (0:38)
- Yet Another Variation On The Classic Swing Finisher (0:34)
- You Can Play This Lick Virtually In Any Genre (0:19)
- You Can Sing This Memorable Lick After One Go (0:40)
- Your Dominant V's Deserve Some Swing, Too (0:31)
- A Beautiful Jazz Line Starter (0:26)
- A Characteristically Brilliant John Scofield Lick (0:45)
- A Classic Descending Jazz Line (0:40)
- A Classic Jazz Phrase (0:28)
- A Delicious Sentimental Jazz Lick (0:33)
- A Friendly Melodic Jazz Lick (0:32)
- A Fusionistic Chord Solo Lick (0:39)
- A Golden Running Chord Lick From Larry Coryell (0:44)
- A Great Beginning And A Twist Ending (0:33)
- A Great Jazz Blues Lick - The Elaborate Version (0:31)
- A Great Jazz Blues Lick - The Simple Version (0:28)
- A Great Way to Use Fourths In Your Solo (0:35)
- A Heavy Jazz-Blues Lick For Your I-IV (0:41)
- A Jazz Line with Classical Overtones (0:32)
- A Jazz-Blues Lick For Mid-Solo (0:34)
- A Jazz-Blues Lick Walks Into A Bar (0:29)
- A Jazzed-Up Pentatonic Scale Idea by Larry Coryell (0:55)
- A Jazzy 'Walking Blues' Lick (0:43)
- A Jazzy Way to Climb and Finish Strong (1:04)
- A John Scofield-esque Whacky Lick (0:30)
- A Keith Jarrett-Inspired Power Lick (0:48)
- A Larry Coryell Descending Chromatic Chord Solo (0:24)
- A Latin Jazz Riff You Can Use As A Working Lick (0:35)
- A Lick that Says A Lot But You Decide on Its Meaning (0:39)
- A Melodic Augmented Lick (0:39)
- A Mind-Boggling Jazz Lick - Look At That Chromatic Move (0:45)
- A Must-Know Standard Jazz Lick (0:33)
- A Resolving Diminished Melody (0:30)
- A Robust Descending Jazz Lick (0:39)
- A Seriously Powerful Jazz-Blues Line (1:07)
- A Showy Augmented Chord Lick (0:28)
- A Smokin' Jazz-Blues Lick (0:47)
- A Spectacular Bireli Lagrene Parallel Diminished Lick (0:24)
- A Spectacular Jazz-Blues Turnaround Lick I Stole From Keith Jarrett (1:06)
- A Strong Jazz Blues Lick (0:34)
- A Tasty Running Diminished Lick (0:33)
- A Triplety Augmented Chord Breakdown (0:28)
- A Voracious Jazz Lick (0:31)
- Allow the Notes to Melt Into Each Other (0:36)
- Amazingly Beautiful Classic Jazz Line (0:50)
- An Awesome Looping Jazz Lick (0:54)
- An Essential Jazz Arpeggio (0:36)
- An Essential Jazz Lick to Color Your Chromatic (0:30)
- An Extremely Useful Extended Altered Pattern (0:48)
- An Insatiable Jazz-Blues Lick (1:03)
- An Uber-Cool Up and Down Jazz Lick (0:38)
- An Uplifting Jazz Lick (0:36)
- Another Angle At That Altered Lick (0:44)
- Another Classic Standard Jazz Lick (0:36)
- Another Essential Jazz Sound to Get Under Your Fingers (0:40)
- Another Great Walking Jazz Lick (0:31)
- Another Haunting Altered Lick (0:38)
- Another Lick For Your Jazz Arpeggio Practice (0:48)
- Another Melodic Jazz Lick, This Time With An Arpeggio (0:33)
- Another Must-Know Standard Jazz Lick (0:50)
- Another Simple and Beautiful Altered Arpeggio Lick (0:39)
- Another Take On That Augmented Chord Rundown (0:31)
- Another Vintage Jazz-Blues Lick (0:48)
- Another Way to Twist a Major Seven Out of Its Major-Sevendom (0:39)
- Augmented Chord Rundown (0:45)
- Awesome Altered Jazz Lick (0:40)
- Awesome Augmented Scale Descending Couplet Lick (0:40)
- Basic Bebop Lick For the Beginner Jazz Guitarist (0:36)
- Bebop Fingering For Beginners (0:38)
- Beginner Jazz Lick - Mind Those Half-Tone Slides (0:40)
- Bluesy Altered Scale Line Finisher - The Long Version (0:37)
- Bluesy Altered Scale Line Finisher - The Short Version (0:40)
- Breaking Down an E Chord Bebop Style (0:44)
- Brilliant Lick (Wish I Remembered Who I Stole It From) (0:45)
- Building Up to That Tremendeous Altered Chord (0:40)
- Cacophonic Harmony is Fun (0:15)
- Can You Spot the Diminished Chord Inside This Lick (0:48)
- Changing Scales Mid-Lick (0:41)
- Chasing Those Major Sevens (0:37)
- Classic Bebop Vibe (0:40)
- Classic Jazz Blues Lick Ending High (0:40)
- Classic Sentimental Jazz Lick (0:36)
- Coloring Your Chromatics Revisited (0:33)
- Cool Blues Jazz Lick Combining Minor and Major Sounds (0:46)
- Decisive Jazz Lick Right Here (0:32)
- Diatonic Arpeggio, Altered Arpeggio (0:30)
- Disorienting Jazz Lick (0:36)
- Doesn't Sound Like It But Everything About This Lick Is Chromatic (0:29)
- Draw Out This Jazz-Blues Lick As Long As You Possibly Can (0:45)
- Elegant Jazz-Blues Lick (0:38)
- Elementary Jazz Lick (0:46)
- Emotional Jazz Line (1:02)
- Even A Simple Minor Chord Can Sound Jazzy (0:53)
- Even Thirds Can Get the Blues (0:42)
- Even Though It's Diatonic, It Sounds Altered (0:43)
- Exotic Jazz Lick (0:48)
- Extra-Sophisticated Jazz Lick (0:39)
- Fine Jazzy Use For That Blue Note (0:32)
- Full Throttle Jazz-Blues Lick (0:41)
- Good Jazz Licks Come In Short Packages (0:31)
- Got to Have At Least One Octave Lick Here (0:34)
- Great Jazz Line Finisher (0:30)
- Gypsy-Style Jazz Lick (0:50)
- Highly Melodic Arpeggio Lick (0:52)
- How I Adore This Easy Little Jazz Lick (0:32)
- How to Make A Major Chord Sound Diminished (0:38)
- I Love Jazz Licks You Can Sing (0:35)
- I Love the Rhythmic Legato of this Lick (0:32)
- I Love This Lick's Shape on the Fretboard (0:35)
- I'm Sure There's An Augmented Chord In There Somewhere (0:35)
- Interestingly, That's A Sus2 Chord Arpeggio Right There (0:43)
- It's A Latin Bass Line That Works Great As A Lick (0:29)
- It's Pentatonic But It's Deeply Jazzy (0:35)
- Jazz Beauty Is In Your Hands (0:44)
- Jazz It Like A Boss (Or At Least A High-Ranking Employee) (0:41)
- Jazz Motifs Are the Cat's Pajamas (0:32)
- Jazz Sidestepping (0:29)
- Jazz-Blues Turnaround with an Un-Bluesy Ending (0:28)
- Jazzifying An Innocent Fourth (0:24)
- Jazzing Those Fourths (0:32)
- Jazzy Finger-Trainer Lick (0:30)
- Jazzy Frolicking (0:38)
- Jazzy Half-Tone Workout (0:33)
- Just the Way I Like My Weird Jazz Chords - Two Fourths and A Tritone (0:27)
- Just Wide Enough to Escape That Arpeggio Sound (0:35)
- Laid-Back Jazz Lick (0:29)
- Let Your Jazz Licks Make A Statement (0:43)
- Major Seven to Minor Seven (0:35)
- Making Blues Sound Jazzy Is This Simple (0:25)
- Melodic and Decisive Jazz Lick (0:36)
- Melodic Jazz-Blues Lick With A Little Bit of Everything (0:36)
- Melodic m7b5 Arpeggio Breakdown (0:37)
- Moody Jazz Lick (0:30)
- One of the Most Useful Jazz Patterns You'll Ever Learn (0:37)
- One of Those Jazz Licks The Whole Band Plays Together (0:30)
- Play It Like You Mean It (0:41)
- Play This Dazzling Lazz Lick to Sound Like A Pro (0:46)
- Play This Jazz Lick A Few Times to Feel Its Funky Groove (1:15)
- Play This Over Some Samba Rhythm (0:40)
- Playing Around That Major Seven Chord (0:49)
- Pleasant Jazz Line (0:36)
- Powerful Jazz-Blues Lick (0:30)
- Pretty Much Diatonic - But Delicious (0:32)
- Prime Example of A Bopping Jazz Lick (0:41)
- Probably My Favorite Chord - You Can Literally Move It Anywhere, Any Time (0:34)
- Proudly Old School Jazz-Blues Lick (0:38)
- Remember to Slur the Slide (0:30)
- Rudimentary Jazz Chord Solo Lick (0:38)
- Running Arpeggios Part I (0:32)
- Running Arpeggios Part II (0:31)
- Running Arpeggios Part III (0:35)
- Running Arpeggios Part IV (0:38)
- Running Arpeggios Part V (0:28)
- Running Arpeggios Part VI (0:38)
- Running Arpeggios Part VII (0:47)
- Running Arpeggios Part VIII (0:44)
- Running Stacks-o'-Fourths Chord Lick (0:39)
- Same Simple Jazz Lick, Two Harmoic Approaches (0:29)
- Short But Sentimental Jazz Lick (0:22)
- Simple Tension (0:24)
- Sliding Jazz Double Stop (0:35)
- Sliding Your Pinky Is A Hoot (0:39)
- So Is It An Arpeggio Or Not (0:31)
- So Many Mini-Harmonies In Such A Short Lick (0:32)
- So Much Jazz In Such A Short Lick (0:30)
- Somehow Sounds Latin and Classical Simultaneously (0:35)
- Sophisticated Jazz Line (0:49)
- Sophisticated Jazz-Blues Lick (0:44)
- Sounds Weird Because It's An Augmented Chord (0:41)
- Start Minor, End Major (Jazz Lick) (0:48)
- Stomping Jazz Lick (0:30)
- String-Skipping Jazz Lick - Version One (0:36)
- String-Skipping Jazz Lick - Version Two (0:38)
- Tension-Building Arpeggions (0:39)
- That Blue Note Is Everything and More (1:00)
- That Blue Note Makes All the Difference In This Lick (0:53)
- The Jazz Equivalent of a Banjo Roll 1 (0:31)
- The Jazz Equivalent of a Banjo Roll 2 (0:26)
- The Jazz Equivalent of Power Chords (0:28)
- The Very Definition of A Jazz Chord (0:33)
- There Comes A Time In Every Guitar Player's Life For A Triple Pull Off (0:25)
- This Chromatic Jazz Chord Solo Rules (0:37)
- This Chromatic Lick Is But E7 (0:37)
- This Jazz Chord Solo Detunes Itself (0:42)
- This Jazz Lick Haunts My Dreams (0:53)
- This Jazz Lick Is Almost A Riff (0:44)
- This Jazz Lick Leaves You Craving More (0:34)
- This Jazz Lick Makes A Statement, Doesn't It (0:42)
- This Jazz Line Connector Really Comes In Handy (0:42)
- This Lick Is A Useful Connector Between Jazz Phrases (0:35)
- This Lick Is So Outside, It's Past Its Curfew (0:48)
- This Lick Keeps On Inching Towards the Edge (0:39)
- This Lick Works Well In Latin Jazz Too (0:31)
- This Smooth Jazz Lick Is Very Easy On the Ears (0:43)
- This Type of Jazz Chord Lick Used to Be In Hip Hop Songs (0:59)
- Throw In A High Note (0:39)
- Try It As A Chord Afterwards (0:34)
- Twist Ending to A Pentatonic Lick (0:36)
- Two Variations On This Classic Jazz Lick (0:45)
- Use This Lick to Create Tension and Anticipation (0:42)
- Vintage Classic Jazz-Blues Lick (0:33)
- Walking Jazz-Blues Lick (0:44)
- What You Imagine When You Solo Over II-V-Is (0:55)
- When Jazzing, Always Choose Beautiful Over Cerebral (0:50)
- When You Arpeggio and Want to Go Back Up (0:25)
- When You Want to Leave Them Hanging (0:32)
- You Can End A Jazz Song with This Lick (0:24)
- You Can Use Thirds With Great Success in Your Jazz Licks (0:28)
- A Bass Solo Played High (0:39)
- A Bluesy Arpeggio Lick (0:48)
- A Borderline Balkan Arpeggio (0:47)
- A Breath of Fresh Diminished Air (0:33)
- A Breathtaking Major Seven Lick (0:49)
- A Calm and Relaxing Major Lick (0:38)
- A Classic Descending Major Arpeggio (0:26)
- A Classic Rock Major Seven Lick (0:38)
- A Clever Little Add9 Arpeggio (0:34)
- A Cool Minor-to-Diminished Trick (0:34)
- A Dominant Line, Literally (0:34)
- A Flat-Nine Arpeggio with A Classical Feel (0:30)
- A Flowing Major Seven Arpeggio Lick (0:40)
- A Funky Arpeggio Lick with the b5 Added (0:39)
- A Funky Shuffling Arpeggio Lick (0:59)
- A High Ninth Lick (0:34)
- A Latin-Style Resolution Into the Dominant (0:33)
- A Legato Sliding Arpeggio with A Strong Ending (0:50)
- A Long Legato Minor Lick (0:36)
- A Major Lick with A Minor Twist (0:42)
- A Mark Knofper-Style Arpeggio Lick (0:28)
- A Melodic Augmented Lick (0:44)
- A Melodic Sliding Minor Arpeggio (0:38)
- A Meticulous Extended Arpeggio Lick (0:41)
- A Minor Arpeggio Staircase (0:36)
- A Minor Seven Arpeggio with A Side of Everything (0:42)
- A Nicely Screwed-Up Major Seven Lick (0:50)
- A Nifty Minor Six Arpeggio (0:44)
- A Pounding Rock Melody (0:43)
- A Rhythmic Minor Six Line (0:37)
- A Rootless Major Seven Solo Line (0:45)
- A Santana-Inspired Lick (0:45)
- A Simple and Effective Minor Lick (0:49)
- A Sizzling Major Seven Rock Arpeggio (0:48)
- A Spectacular Way to Break A Minor Chord (0:35)
- A Stadium-Rocking Chord with a Minor Change (0:33)
- A Standard Rock Lick with An Arpeggio on Top (0:38)
- A Sus Solo Lick on the Low Strings (0:47)
- A Sweet Melodic Outline (0:37)
- A Useful Little Dominant Seven Lick (0:36)
- A Whirlwind Minor Seven Lick (0:44)
- A Wobbly Lick That Imitates A Slide (0:58)
- Ah, That Ninth (Not the Fret, Obviously) (0:31)
- An Arpeggio with A Strong Rhythmic Motif (0:45)
- An Augmented Breakdown (0:33)
- An Augmented Lick That Commands Your Attention (0:42)
- An Elaborate Major Seven Lick (0:59)
- An Elegant Minor Seven Lick (0:38)
- An Epic Major Seven Solo Lick (0:48)
- An Epic Sliding Arpeggio (0:27)
- An Epic Slow-Rock Minor Line (0:42)
- An Epic Sus Arpeggio Lick (0:34)
- An Evening Edition News Lick (0:42)
- An International Spy Arpeggio Lick (0:43)
- An Urgent Minor Lick (0:29)
- Another Deceptive Major Seven Lick (0:38)
- Another Groovy m7b5 Lick (0:24)
- Another Santana-ish Flat Nine Lick (0:39)
- Another Smooth Transition Into Diminished (0:41)
- Arpeggios Don't Have to Be Elaborate to Be Awesome (0:39)
- Climbing Up, Sliding Down (0:35)
- Coloring the Lick with the Chord (0:34)
- Come Out, 9th Chord, You're Surrounded (0:38)
- Ending A Rock Solo on the 9th (0:47)
- Gorgeous Sus Arpeggios (0:35)
- Grooving That m7b5 (0:37)
- Groovy (0:36)
- How to Use the b5 to Your Soloing Advantage (0:43)
- I Love the Unique Sound of this Arpeggio Lick (0:39)
- In Case You're Wondering, That Last Note Is the Major Third (0:37)
- Isn't It Fun to Rhythmically Outline A 9-Chord (0:36)
- It's Classical-ish Up Until That Double Slide (0:37)
- Joyful Diminished Arpeggios, Anyone (0:36)
- Look At You, Using the 11 In Your Chord Outlines (0:29)
- My Favorite Soloing Pattern - This Time Over A Major Seven Chord (0:30)
- No Unpleasant Intervals Allowed (0:28)
- One Note and the Entire Arpeggio Lick Changes Color (0:42)
- Outlining Another 9th (0:37)
- Outlining Around The Major Third (0:37)
- Resolve the m7b5 Nicely and No One Gets Hurt (0:23)
- Rock That Add9 Lick (0:41)
- Rocking that Minor Seven Good (0:40)
- Running Around The Minor 9th Chord (0:34)
- Simple, But the Pull-Off Provides the 11 and the 7 (0:41)
- Six Ways to Lead Into Your Chosen Note (0:56)
- Start m7b5, End Up A 9 (0:34)
- Start Out Arpeggiating, End Up Pentatonicking (0:38)
- Sticking That Dominant Seven In Everyone's Face Like That (0:22)
- String Skippin' Never Hurt No One (0:41)
- That Latin Flat Nine (0:36)
- The Inimitable Augmented Sound (0:31)
- The Sinister Version of that Pentatonicking Lick (0:44)
- The Subtle Tritone Makes the Lick (0:53)
- Thirds and A Minor Seven (0:48)
- Topping That Minor Seven Off (0:37)
- When You Go Crazy and Still Outline the Minor Seven (0:46)
- When You Want to Melodify Your Pentatonic Licks (0:29)
- Whipping Those High Minor Seven and Nine (0:50)
- Who Knew m7b5s Can Rock So Well (0:44)
- Would You Believe That It's The Major Seven (0:32)
- A 6-9 Chord Solo Lick (0:36)
- A Classic Jazzy Funk Lick (0:37)
- A Classic Legato Rock Lick (0:40)
- A Classic Rocking Sixths Lick (0:32)
- A Cool Technical Lick For Your Solos (0:25)
- A Counterpoint-ish Funk-Rock Lick (0:49)
- A Cross-Fretboard Funky Run (1:07)
- A Dancing Melodic Rock Lick (0:47)
- A Feisty Little Funk Lick (0:35)
- A Fine Major Seven Rock Lick (1:05)
- A Friendly Serial Arpeggios Lick (0:48)
- A Funky Descending Pattern (0:49)
- A Funky Double-Stop Lick (0:37)
- A Funky Fingerpicking Lick (Fingerpicking = Dynamics) (0:40)
- A Funky Lick with Classical Undertones (0:31)
- A Heavy, Nuance-Laced Chord (0:35)
- A Literally Uplifting Rock Lick (0:31)
- A Little Bit of Classical Vibes Never Hurt Anyone (0:34)
- A Major Chord Lick with A Twist Ending (0:42)
- A Melodic Arpeggio Lick - Version 2 (0:38)
- A Melodic Arpeggio Lick (0:30)
- A Mezmerising In-Chord Melody (0:53)
- A Mid-Solo Melodic Rock Lick (0:41)
- A Mirroring String-Skipping Lick (0:40)
- A Nice Melodic Rock Lick (0:31)
- A Quintuplet Blues-Funk Lick - Watch Those Accents (0:27)
- A Rhythmic Chromatic Descension on G Minor Pentatonic (0:35)
- A Rock Lick with A Funky Feel (0:51)
- A Rolling Funk Lick with A Strong Ending (0:45)
- A Short Arpeggio Rock Lick (0:39)
- A Sliding Major Seven Arpeggio Pattern (0:31)
- A Smartly Extended Minor Arpeggio (0:42)
- A Sophisticated Jazz-Funk Lick (0:47)
- A Super-Bluesy Funk Lick (0:45)
- A Sweet and Elaborate Melodic Lick (0:39)
- A Timeless Funk-Rock Lick (0:44)
- An Amiable Melodick Rock Lick (0:33)
- An Awesome Funky Solo Passage (0:54)
- An Easy Crowd-Pleasing Lick (0:46)
- An Easy Little Funk-Rock Lick (0:33)
- An Ingenious Jazz-Funk Lick (0:36)
- An Interesting Arpeggio Melody (0:49)
- An Odd-Time Lick That Gets Cooler the More You Repeat It (0:23)
- An Optimistic Double-Stop Rock Lick (0:44)
- Another Classic Rock Lick You Must Know (1:02)
- Another Cool Funk-Rock Lick (0:44)
- Another Funky Chord Lick (0:23)
- Bending Strings All Over the Place (0:38)
- Cramming In Those Chromatics (0:43)
- Downslide Into Your Funk (0:35)
- Dreamy Sliding Fourths (0:50)
- Funk Is All About the Rhythm of the Solo (0:39)
- Funk-n'-Bend (0:33)
- Funking with Assorted Harmonies (0:32)
- Funky Chord Noise (0:39)
- Funky Descending Thirds (0:37)
- Funky High Sixths (0:33)
- Funky Noise (0:26)
- Funky Octaves (0:45)
- Funky Question-and-Answer (0:36)
- Funky String-Skiping (0:33)
- Funky Travelling Chromatics (0:30)
- Hendrix-Style Funk (0:36)
- I Absolutely Love This Funk-Rock Lick (0:43)
- I Love Solo Bits You Can Also Sing (0:34)
- I Love That Lingering High G Throughout (0:28)
- It_s Easy to Rock Hard (0:46)
- Nice Little Voice-Leading Funk-Rock Lick (0:54)
- Noisy Yet Melodic (0:38)
- One of John Scofield's Signature Funk Licks (0:47)
- One Tiny Change, One Awesome Lick (0:40)
- Rhythm Is Everything (0:41)
- Rocking Outside - Version 1 (0:43)
- Rocking Outside - Version 2 (0:43)
- Shift That Funky Finger (0:31)
- Short and Funky Chord Lick (0:32)
- Sizzling Rock Double-Stops (0:56)
- String-Skipping Arpeggio Lick (0:38)
- The Approaching Fifths Lick (0:44)
- The Basic Arpeggio Plus Tapping Pattern (0:36)
- The Clockwork Lick (0:42)
- The Foundation For Your Next A5-Based Riff (0:44)
- The Noisiest Dominant-7 Chord Ever (0:53)
- The Travelling Major Scale, Ladies and Gentlemen (0:44)
- The Ultimate Funky Turnaround (0:57)
- This Funky Rock Lick Has A Little Bit of Everything (0:55)
- Try This Cool Lick Palm-Muted and Open (0:48)
- Up and Back Down (0:41)
- When Country Double-Stops Meet Distortion (0:36)
- When You Want to Dance in the Middle of Soloing (0:36)
- When You Want to Funk Out on the Bass Strings (0:36)
- Why Play It Again When There's Another Octave (1:00)
- A Beautiful 'Slide Behind Your Tap' Lick (0:27)
- A Deliciously Noisy Tapping Lick (0:24)
- A Fast Melodic Tapping Lick For Beginners (0:36)
- A Powerful Tap-and-Bend Solo Lick (0:42)
- A Relatively Easy Tapping Lick For Beginners (0:27)
- A Riff-ish Tapping Arpeggio Lick (0:29)
- A Screaming String-Skipping Tapping Lick (0:52)
- A Six-String Descending Tapping Pattern (0:43)
- A Super-Legato Tap-and-Bend Lick (0:47)
- A Tapping Lick In Which the Tapping Hand Works Harder (0:38)
- A Two-Hand Six-String E Chord Breakdown Lick (0:33)
- A Two-String Speed Slide-Tap Lick (0:27)
- A Wide Interval Tapping Lick (0:37)
- An Unusual Way to Use Tapping As Harmony (0:51)
- Another Easy Tapping Lick For Beginners (0:29)
- Another Way to Tap An Arpeggio (0:55)
- Augmented Scale Tapping Lick (0:43)
- Awesome Speedy Pentatonic Tapping Lick (0:22)
- Country-Inspired Tapping Lick (0:36)
- Dazzle Them with Your Double Taps (0:41)
- Deeply Melodic Tapping (0:52)
- Descending Tapping Scale Lick (0:30)
- End Your Tapping With A Power-Bend (0:18)
- Epic Pentatonic Tapping Lick (0:34)
- Flight Of the Chromatic Tapping Bumblebee (0:39)
- Get Crazy With Your Freestyle Tapping (0:30)
- Greg Howe-esque Ascending Tapping Scale Lick (0:42)
- Haunting Game Soundtrack-Style Tapping Lick (0:27)
- Here's the Epic Tap Lick You Ordered (0:43)
- High-Energy Tapping Blues Lick (0:48)
- I Think This Tapping Lick Actually Sounds Better Slowed Down (0:20)
- If You Hate Your Neighbors, Play This Chromatic Tapping Lick (0:16)
- In Case You Need to Practice Becoming Buckethead (0:36)
- Insane Pentatonic Tapping Lick - And Look, The Tab Moves (1:09)
- Make Sure You Try This Chord Tapping Lick Without Distortion Too (0:44)
- Meaningless Tapping For When Your Drummer Goes Nuts (0:16)
- Melodic Descending Pentatonic Tapping Lick (0:49)
- Melodic Pentatonic Tapping Lick (0:37)
- Melodic Pinch Harmonics On A Single Note (0:50)
- Nuno-Style Tapping Arpeggio Lick (0:48)
- One of My Favorite Epic Tapping Licks (1:06)
- One of those Fancy Scale-and-Slide Tapping Licks (0:51)
- Practice Your Pinch Harmonics to Perfection with This Lick (0:54)
- Screaming Artificial Harmonics Soloing Lick (1:00)
- Sliding the Harmony Behind the Tap (0:36)
- Speedy Tapping Up A Simple Scale (0:55)
- Stress-Inducing Tapping Lick (0:32)
- String-Skipping Tapping Arpeggio (0:43)
- Tap, Slide and Bend - While Tapping (0:47)
- Tapping Sixths (0:26)
- The 'Octave Crusher' Tapping Lick (0:35)
- The 'Rotary Phone Ringing' Tapping Lick (0:32)
- The Beginner's Moving Tap Practicing Lick (0:26)
- The Greg Howe Major Tapping Arpeggio (0:56)
- The Greg Howe Minor Tapping Arpeggio Lick (1:01)
- The Moving Double-Tap Lick (0:35)
- The Open Strings Complete the Chromatics, It's Awesome (0:22)
- The Speed Tap-Slide Trick (0:25)
- The Tap-and-Bend (0:36)
- The Tapping Flem - Weird But Quite Useful (0:47)
- The Ultimate, Best Ever Tapping Lick In All of Existence (0:28)
- This Lick Sounds Like Tapping to Me (Except When Palm Muted) (0:30)
- This Tapping Lick Imitates A Synthesizer (0:41)
- Two Ways to Pinch Harmonize A Lick (0:45)
- When Tapping Imitates A Delay Effect (0:32)
- Yes, That's Two Hammer-Ons From Nowhere Per String In This Tapping Lick (0:28)
- You Can Play This Lick Clean, But I Love The Chaotic Noisy Version (0:32)
- A Classic Blues Line with A Slide Feel (0:44)
- A Mid-Solo Slide Lick (0:25)
- A Rather Joyful Slide Lick (0:24)
- Another Classic Blues Slide Lick (0:35)
- Awesome Blues Slide Lick (0:46)
- Can't Get Enough Slide Half Tones (0:29)
- Chromatic Slide Sixths Lick (0:32)
- Chromaticizing Your Slide (0:27)
- Classic Blues Slide Lick (0:40)
- Country Sixths with A Slide (0:36)
- Country Slide Lick (0:24)
- For When You REALLY Get the Slide Blues (0:23)
- Full Metal on Metal Slide Lick (0:34)
- Go Home Slide, You're Wobbly (0:36)
- Heavy Blues Slide Lick (0:43)
- It Doesn't Get Slidier Than This, Trust Me (0:26)
- Legato Slide (0:27)
- Major Blues Slide Lick (0:24)
- Meandering Slide Lick While You Decide On Your Next Move (0:28)
- Old School Slide Blues Lick (0:34)
- Powerful Slide Sounds (0:39)
- Practice Your Sliding Thirds (0:20)
- Precision Ending On This Slide Lick (0:31)
- Refreshing Sliding Chromatics (0:25)
- Remember Those Slide Licks From 80s Pop Songs (0:30)
- Remember to Detune the E Note Before Sliding Down (0:31)
- Slide Build-Up (0:26)
- Slide Guitar Almost Stretches Time Itself (0:28)
- Slide Pentatonics (0:31)
- Sliding High, Sliding Slow (0:28)
- Sliding Smoothly Into That A Major Chord (0:27)
- Smart Slide Lick (0:40)
- Squeeze That Slide For All It's Got (0:33)
- Tasty Siding Is Happy Sliding (0:26)
- There's Something Eerie About Slide Pull-Offs (0:30)
- This Slide Lick Requires Precision (0:25)
- This Slide Lick, Believe It Or Not, Is An Arpeggio (0:29)
- Wailing Slide (0:38)
- What I'm Talking About When I'm Talking About Slide Guitar (0:26)
- When You Want a Banjo Roll But Don't Feel Like Playing Actual Notes (0:13)
- Wide Slide (0:36)
- A Balkan-Style Dancing Lick (0:21)
- A Balkan-Style Lick That's Also Fairly Classical (0:38)
- A Basic Bouzouki-Style Lick (0:32)
- A Basic Exotic Lick (0:29)
- A Beautiful Chinese Lick (0:45)
- A Beautifully Lyrical Exotic Lick (0:59)
- A Buoyant Bouzouki Lick (0:33)
- A Chromatically Smart Exotic Lick (0:48)
- A Classically-Oriented Exotic Lick (0:28)
- A Colorful Exotic Lick (0:35)
- A Commanding Exotic Lick (0:44)
- A Desert Soundrack Exotic Lick (0:43)
- A Distant Exotic Lick (0:41)
- A Dramatic Bouzouki Double-Stop Lick (0:41)
- A Flowing Exotic Finisher Lick (0:46)
- A Full-Bodied Low-Register Exotic Lick (0:50)
- A Fully-Realized Exotic Lick (0:48)
- A Fun and Easy Exotic Lick (0:34)
- A Galloping Exotic Lick (0:42)
- A Great Exotic Pattern to Know (0:34)
- A Grinding Exotic Lick (0:37)
- A Happy Bouzouki Lick (0:47)
- A Harmonized Bouzouki Double-Stop Lick (0:44)
- A Haunting Japanese Melody (0:42)
- A Highly Chromatic Exotic Lick (0:42)
- A Highly Effective One-String Exotic Lick (0:38)
- A Lethargic Exotic Lick (0:41)
- A Melodic Exotic Lick (0:33)
- A Mid-Solo Exotic Lick (0:43)
- A Pulp Fiction-esque Exotic Lick (1:13)
- A Question-and-Answer Exotic Lick (1:03)
- A Really Fun Exotic Bass Lick (0:30)
- A Regal Exotic Lick (0:36)
- A Saz-Style Exotic Lick (0:31)
- A Scale-Changing Bouzouki Lick (0:40)
- A Short and Decisive Exotic Lick (0:49)
- A Sliding Exotic Lick (0:35)
- A Song-Finishing Exotic Lick (0:45)
- A Spanish-Style (ie Phrygian) Bass Lick (0:35)
- A Strong Exotic Line-Finisher (0:43)
- A Surprisingly Melodic Exotic Lick For Such A Short One (0:37)
- A Sweet Exotic Lick (0:46)
- A Syncopated-Bend Exotic Lick (0:29)
- A Terrific Japanese Scale Pattern (0:44)
- A Traditional Exotic Pattern (0:33)
- A Two-Fret Exotic Pattern (0:32)
- A Typical Bouzouki Lick (0:39)
- A Unique Exotic Chord Solo Lick (0:29)
- A Wonderfully Melodic Exotic Lick (0:59)
- A Wriggling Japanese Lick (0:49)
- Add A Quarter-Tone Bend to A Chinese Scale and You Get A Middle-Eastern Sound (0:45)
- Add An Exotic Flavor to Your Regular Solos (0:34)
- Aim For Quarter-Tone Bends (0:32)
- Aladdin Vibes (0:27)
- Always Aim For Quarter-Tone Bends with Exotic Licks (0:39)
- An Addictive Exotic Lick In Dm (0:39)
- An Awesome Exotic Sound (0:31)
- An Easy Little Exotic Riff - Which Relies Heavily On That Bend (0:33)
- An Enchanting Exotic Lick (0:50)
- An Exotic Bass Run (0:27)
- An Exotic Double-Stop Lick (0:24)
- An Exotic Finger-Stretcher Lick (0:42)
- An Exotic Finisher Lick (0:31)
- An Exotic Lick The Whole Band Plays Together (0:35)
- An Exotic Lick to Bob Your Head To (0:32)
- An Exotic Lick with A Jazzy Touch (0:31)
- An Exotic Lick with An Unexpected Ending (0:48)
- An Exotic Triplet Lick (0:33)
- An Exquisite Exotic Lick (and Finger Trainer) (0:49)
- An Idea-Provoking Exotic Lick (0:44)
- An India-Style Lick (0:32)
- An Open String Twist on the Cliche Exotic Line (0:15)
- An Optimistic Exotic Lick (0:32)
- Another Bouzouki Lick (0:29)
- Another Descending Exotic Pattern For Your Pleasure (0:37)
- Another Easy Japanese Lick (0:41)
- Another Exotic Bass Run (0:41)
- Another Japanese Lick For Your Musical Journey (1:03)
- Awesome Exotic Soloing Lick (0:44)
- Brilliant Rhythmic Exotic Lick (0:43)
- Chromaticism Is Strong In This Exotic Lick (0:37)
- Descending Exotic Pattern (0:41)
- Easy Exotic Pattern (0:39)
- Easy Japanese Lick (0:45)
- Exotic Scales Always Sound Like Several Scales Mixed Together (0:44)
- Fifths Can Be Highly Exotic (0:37)
- I Like the Structure of This Exotic Lick (0:32)
- I Love This Exotic Lick (0:41)
- If You've Ever Wondered Which Chord Goes with Exotic Licks (0:28)
- Imagine Crash Cymbals On Those Last Two Notes (0:38)
- It's A Chinese Scale, But It Can Sound Middle-Eastern Too (0:48)
- It's Both A Spanish Scale and A Middle-Eastern Scale (0:45)
- It's The Rhythm That's Exotic Here, Not the Notes (0:47)
- Japanese Melodies Are So Elegant (0:46)
- Make Sure You Get the Fingering Right (0:45)
- One of My Favorite Exotic Licks (0:44)
- One of the Basic Exotic Solo Patterns (0:31)
- One of the Most Useful Exotic Patterns (0:32)
- Simple and Effective Exotic Lick (0:30)
- Sitar-Imitating Indian Lick (0:50)
- Something Bluesy About This Japanese Lick - Or Is It Just Me (0:36)
- String-Skipping Exotic Lick (0:40)
- Take This Exotic Lick Wherever You Feel It Needs to Go (0:35)
- The Exotic Accentuation Here Is Important (0:41)
- The Middle-Eastern Sound (0:34)
- The One Exotic Lick Everyone Knows (Or Would Like To) (0:20)
- The Rhythm of This Exotic Lick Is Majestic (0:43)
- Think of A Koto When Performing That Slow Bend (0:38)
- This Exotic Lick Feels Like All Is Right with the World (0:39)
- This Exotic Lick Feels Like It Has A Mustache (0:37)
- This Exotic Lick Is All In The Approach - It's A Simple Minor Scale (0:44)
- This Exotic Lick Is Reminiscent of Pinky and the Brain (0:51)
- This Exotic Lick Might Confuse You Like It Confused Me (0:34)
- This Exotic Lick Puts A Smile On My Offscreen Face (0:30)
- This Exotic Scale's Chromatics Are Incredible (0:46)
- This Japanese Lick Is So Serene (0:51)
- When You Say 'Exotic Lick', This Is What I'm Hearing (0:37)
- Yet Another Easy Japanese Lick (0:39)
- You Can Feel the Desert Sun On this Exotic Lick (0:42)
- A Back and Forth Lick On D Major (0:47)
- A Basic Yet Impressive Pentatonic Run (0:41)
- A Beautiful Descending Melodic Lick - The Major Version (0:48)
- A Beautiful Descending Melodic Lick - The Minor Version (0:45)
- A Beautiful Stretchy Chord - Mind Your Fingering (0:55)
- A Beginner-Friendly Open String Lick (0:45)
- A Breathtaking Melodic Lick (0:37)
- A Brilliant Rhythmic Bass-String Solo (0:58)
- A Brooding Open-Position Lick (0:40)
- A Classical Fast-Tempo Pull-Off Lick (0:35)
- A Classical Running Solo Pattern with Open Strings (1:08)
- A Cool No-Picking Run (0:23)
- A Crystalline Lick - All About the High Note (0:34)
- A Dark Open-String Lick (0:41)
- A Delirious Lick (0:47)
- A Funky Suspended Lick (0:36)
- A Good Old Fashioned Rock Lick (0:44)
- A Great High-and-Low Chord Pattern For You to Steal (0:55)
- A Great Pattern on An A Major Chord Shape - Use It Anywhere (0:26)
- A Hard-Kicking Bass Lick (0:51)
- A Hauntic Tritone-Induced Lick (0:52)
- A Hazy Voice-Leading Solo Chord Progression (0:54)
- A Hendrix-Inspired Solo Lick (0:48)
- A High Double-Stop Lick (0:27)
- A Hot Little Pentatonic Lick (0:31)
- A Hypnotic Open String Thirds Lick (1:09)
- A James Bond-ish Turnaround Loop (0:36)
- A Japanese Chord That Is Also A Lick (0:18)
- A Jumping Funky Bass Lick (0:35)
- A Lick That Grabs Hold of You and Doesn't Let Go (0:54)
- A Lick with Background and Foreground Dynamics (0:51)
- A Melodic Old School Intro-Oriented Lick (0:56)
- A Mischievous Little Lick (0:36)
- A Nice Fingerpicking Lick - Make Sure to Twang the Strings (0:39)
- A Noisy Funky Lick That Resolves Rather Pleasantly (1:05)
- A Riff with an Exotic Direction (0:55)
- A Rocking Lick On An A Major Chord (0:41)
- A Running Funky Lick with Cool Sound Tricks (0:40)
- A Saw-Toothed Double-Stop Lick (0:50)
- A Series of Flowing Double-Stop and Bends (0:44)
- A Simple Shapeshifting Chord Shape with Lots of Tonal Colors (1:07)
- A Sitar-Style Lick (1:04)
- A Soft Jazz Voice-Leading Solo Chord Progression (1:28)
- A Spacious Lick with Exotic Undertones (0:49)
- A Spectacular Little Chord Solo with A Beautiful Ending (0:46)
- A Steve Morse-Style Volume Swell Lick (0:26)
- A Straight-Beat Rock Open String Lick (0:45)
- A Swell Volume Swell Lick (0:20)
- A Tasty Arpeggio with an Open String on Top (0:45)
- A Twilight Zone-y Lick (0:53)
- A Violin-ish Country Volume Swell Lick (0:19)
- A Voice-Leading Arpeggio Lick (1:12)
- A Voice-Leading Open-String Diminished to Augmented Lick (1:06)
- A Volume Swell Training Lick (0:29)
- An Addictive Little Lick (0:58)
- An Airy Lick with Lots of Breathing Room (0:32)
- An Entirely Legato Pentatonic Lick (0:27)
- An Extremely Funky Bass Lick (0:45)
- Another Fast-Tempo Classically-Inspired Lick (0:36)
- Another Lick with My Favorite Solo Pattern (0:44)
- Another Volume Swell Training Lick (0:28)
- Backlash Slides and A Funky Vibe (0:33)
- Bend That String Right Off the Fretboard (0:34)
- Breathing Life Into Those Old Pentatonics (0:37)
- Burning Fourths and Hammer-Ons (0:37)
- Circular Licks Are Gooooood (0:33)
- Country-Style Licking While Actually Playing Rhythm (0:41)
- Don't Pick - Just Hammer-On (0:36)
- Easy Peasy Triplet Squeezy (0:34)
- Electric Rockabilly-Style Travis Picking (0:27)
- Ending A Blues Song with a Whammy (0:28)
- Entirely Legato (0:21)
- Everything Is Possible with the Right Rhythm (0:36)
- Exquisite Rockabilly Noise (0:49)
- How to Breathe Life Into A Simple Lick (0:41)
- How to Turn A Diminished Chord Into A Melodic Lick (0:42)
- I Personally Love The Sound of This Pattern (0:36)
- I Play this with Hybrid Picking But You Can Strum It Too (0:51)
- If You Close Your Eyes It Sound Like Two Guitars (0:39)
- If You Loop This Lick, It Almost Stops Sounding Like A Guitar (0:32)
- It's All in the Dynamics - Basic Funky Riff (0:31)
- Let the Floating Bridge Do the Work (0:12)
- Major Chord Dispatching Thirds (0:33)
- Melodic Descending Double-Stops (0:34)
- Melodic Double-Stops Down An Entire Scale (1:04)
- More A Chord Progression Than A Lick - But You Can Fit It Into A Solo (0:29)
- One Note Can Deliciously Derail A Chord (0:13)
- Open Strings As Chromatics (0:56)
- Palm Muted Triplets Be Like (0:28)
- Paraphrasing on the Cow and Chicken Main Riff (0:33)
- Proof That It's All In Your Fingers, Not in the Particular Notes (0:37)
- Push That Bass String Right Off (0:21)
- Rascally Palm-Muted Notes (0:31)
- Skipping Strings Without Picking A Thing (0:38)
- Slapping AND Harmonics - Life Couldn't Be Better (0:27)
- Smooooooooth (0:47)
- Some More Hendrix-Style Inspiration (0:47)
- Squeezing the Bass String For All It's Got (0:54)
- The Bending Lick That Refuses to Quit (0:57)
- The Chasing Barre Lick (0:35)
- The Trick Is to Pick Right by the Bridge (0:41)
- There's No Picking In This Lick - Train Your Fingers (0:21)
- This Bouncy Lick Will Make You Want to Snap Your Fingers (0:54)
- This Lick Can Be A Riff Or A Basis For A Whole Solo (0:47)
- This Lick Gets Weirder As More Strings Join In (0:33)
- This Lick Is Harder Than It Looks - It's All In the Dynamics (0:46)
- Three Types of Major Country Bends (0:33)
- Twanging Octaves That Border on Slapping (0:36)
- Two Layers of Voice Leading (0:55)
- Unisons Always Bring Out the Guitar's True Tone (0:47)
- With A Little Inspiration by Hendrix (0:52)
- You Don't Even Need the Whammy Bar For This One (0:15)
- You Think It's A Normal Lick But Then Comes That Harmony (0:39)
- You'll Laugh When You First See It, But Then You'll Try It and Love It (0:34)
Chiara, Italy
"It's really incredible how much inspiration, creativity and guitar knowledge I'm getting from Assaf's program. It's worth every cent."
Chris, USA
"This is the first time I feel that a guitar course actually gave me exactly what I was looking for - to enhance my skills and learn the intricacies of the craft in a nice, streamlined and focused way."
Simon, Australia
"I'm so blown away. Every couple of minutes there's a gold nugget that makes me go 'Aha! Now I get it!'. Assaf really thinks outside the box. He takes complicated stuff and breaks it down in a way that's easy to understand. I've learned so much in such a short time."
Bill, USA
"The big difference is, Assaf showed me how to make music. I no longer worry too much about the technical details. I even make my own fingerstyle arrangements now."
The story behind this mega-pack
In 2020 we were all in lockdown.
I had to find a project or I'd've gone crazy(er).
So I decided to go back to playing electric guitar, after almost a decade of playing acoustic fingerstyle almost exclusively.
One thing led to another, and I found myself studying and transcribing hundreds of guitar solos. And then I had an idea.
I curated the best parts.
The best licks by the best players who ever lived.
So that you can have it all in one place.
Have fun!
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Alessandro, Italy
"You really took the irritation out of learning the guitar. I bought books, tapes, cheat sheets, and I always felt like they were maintaining the status quo. With your method I really feel that I’m becoming an able guitar player."
Darren, USA
“I was an on-again-off-again guitar beginner for God knows how long, and now I'm finally feeling confident enough to play for my family, for my friends, even at my local church on Sundays."